Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri |
ASP.NET Core MVC 6 Online Training
Your Instructor for this course is Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri.
He is an accomplished Senior Technical Corporate Trainer here in India and a consultant. He has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2004 and a Microsoft Certified Professional since 1998. He has delivered various trainings at client places, on Microsoft Technologies for top MNC's in India .
He is passionate about teaching developers how to make the most out of their chosen technologies and doing web development in the best way possible.
He has spent years of developing course materials and teaching professional developers online throughout the world.
He has worked in technology for 16 years, specializing in web Development,Content Management Systems,databases and business intelligence.
He is an independent consultant that enjoys development and teaching.
He is a consultant based in Hyderabad, India. He has over 16 years of experience in the IT field, and over a decade of experience as a trainer.
He is an expert in SharePoint Development/Configuration/,Administration and .NET development and Database business intelligence technologies.
Live Online Training
Videos |
Course Fee : ₹ 5000/-
Course Duration :
35 Days |
Session Duration :
90 Minutes (Mon – Sat) |
What is ASP.NET Core MVC?
ASP.NET Core MVC is an Application Framework for building modern web applications using MVC (Model View Controller) architectural pattern.
ASP.NET Core is modern, open-source and cross-platform framework for building web applications.
ASP.NET Core MVC is a rich framework for building web apps and APIs using the Model-View-Controller design pattern.
The ASP.NET Core MVC framework is a lightweight, open source, highly testable presentation framework optimized for use with ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core MVC provides a patterns-based way to build dynamic websites that enables a clean separation of concerns. It gives you full control over markup, supports TDD-friendly development and uses the latest web standards.
Audience Profile:
ASP.NET Core MVC course is for those people who wants to build web applications with MVC architectural Pattern.
This course is designed for individuals with an intermediate knowledge of C#. Knowledge of earlier versions of ASP.NET MVC will be an added advantage.
Our Trainer's Profile :
- Our Trainers speak from Experience
- Our Trainers Are Subject Matter Experts
- Our Trainers Are Expert instructors
- Our Trainers are Microsoft Certified
- Our Trainers have more than 13+ years of experience on Microsoft Technologies
Career Path :
After completing this course you will be able to take up the roles of - ASP.NET Core MVC Developer
Lesson 1 - ASP.NET Core 3.1&5.0 MVC - The Big Picture
- Course Introduction
- Software Prerequisites
- Understanding the ASP.NET Core Platform
- Introduction To MiddleWare Components
- Understanding Request Pipeline
- Introduction to Services
- The Road To ASP.NET Core MVC
- Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC
Lesson 2 - Understanding Boiler Plate Code of ASP.NET Core MVC Web Application
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a Sample ASP.NET MVC Core Web Application
- Anatomy of an ASP.NET MVC Core Web Application
- Understanding the Pre-Written Code
- Understanding Entry Point
- Understanding StartUp Class and Default Middleware Components
Lesson 3 - Working With Sections
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating and Rendering Sections
Lesson 4 - Adding Custom MiddleWare To Request PipeLine
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating Custom MiddleWare in Startup Class
- Creating Custom Middleware Using a Separate Class
- Return PipeLine Path
- Short-Circuiting the Request Pipeline
- Creating Pipeline Branches
- Adding Terminal Support To Class based MiddleWare
- Configuring MiddleWare using Options Pattern
- Using the Options Pattern with Class-Based Middleware
Lesson 5 - Working With Controllers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating Our First Controller by writing Actions
- Working with ViewBag Model Object
- Accessing QueryString Parameter Values
- Redirecting Users To a Different URL
- Creating a Custom Model and Passing it to View
- Accessing RouteData Object Values
- Customizing Nav Bar
Lesson 6 - Working With Various Types Of IActionResults
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Using ContentResult
- Using ViewResult
- Using RedirectResult
- Using RedirectToActionResult
- Using RedirectToRouteResult
- Using FileResult
- Using FileContentResult
- Using FileStreamResult
- Using VirtualFileResult and PhysicalFileResult
- Using JsonResult
- Using EmptyResult and NoContentResult
- Using BadRequestResult and StatusCodeResult
- Using UnauthorizedResult
- Using NotFoundResult
- Using OkObjectResult
- Using PartialViewResult
Lesson 7 - Developing a Simple MVC Core App
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Developing a Sample Mini-App
Lesson 8 - State Management Techniques in ASP.NET Core MVC
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Using ViewBag,ViewData objects in our Application
- Using TempDataCookieState
- Using SessionStateProvider
- Using Cookies
- Using Session Object
Lesson 9 - Working With Scaffolding Templates
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Displaying List Of Records using Strongly Typed View
- Displaying Data of a Single Record
- Updating a Record
- Deleting a Record
- Inserting a Record
Lesson 10 - Working With Strongly Typed Patrial Views
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Displaying List Of Records using Strongly Typed Partial View
Lesson 11 - Configuring RazorViewEngine View Locations
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Adding Custom ViewLocations
Lesson 12 - Working With HTML Forms Usings Form Tag Helpers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a View with various HTML Controls Using Form Tag Helpers
- Receiving Form Submitted Data
Lesson 13 - Performing Validations With Various Data Annotations
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Implementing Validations with Various Data Annotations
- Creating Views and Testing Validations
- Implementing Custom Validation Attributes at Property Level
- Implementing Custom Validation Attributes at Model Level
Lesson 14 - Understanding Default Model Binding
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Excluding a Property from Model Binding
- Binding Selective Properties Only
- Binding To Complex Types
Lesson 15 - Understanding Dependency Injection
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Overview of Dependency Injection
- Creating a Service and adding it to Dependency Injection Container
- AddTransient Service
- AddSingleton Service
- AddScoped Service
- Manually Obtaining Service Context
Lesson 16 - Working With Configuration Service and User Secrets
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Understanding Configuration Files
- Accessing Configuration Data with the Options Pattern
- Storing and Reading User Secrets
Lesson 17 - Working With Logging Service
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Overview of Logging Levels
- Calling various Log Methods in Controller
Lesson 18 - Working With Filters
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating an Action Filter & Result Filter
- Creating an AsyncAction Filter
- Assigning Multiple Custom Filters at Global Level
- Setting Execution Order of Custom Filters
- Using ServiceFilterAttribute To use Custom Filter
Lesson 19 - Customizing Exception Handling Mechanism
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Understanding Default Error Handling Mechanism
- Working with ExceptionFilterAttribute
Lesson 20 - Developing ViewComponents
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a View Component
- Applying View Component using Component Property
- Applying View Component Using Tag Helper
- Working with IViewComponentResult
- Passing Parameters To ViewComponent From Parent View
- Creating a Hybrid Controller Class
Lesson 21 - Creating Custom Tag Helpers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Developing a Custom Tag Helper
- Narrowing the scope of Custom Tag Helper
- Widening the scope of Custom Tag Helper
Lesson 22 - Using Built In Tag Helpers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Anchor Elements
- Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Script Elements
- Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Link Elements
- Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Cache Elements
- Working with Built-in Tag Helper Attributes for Environment Elements
Lesson 23 - Working With Areas
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating and Testing Areas
Lesson 24 - Configuring Entity Framework Core
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating Sample Database and Tables
- Creating Model Classes
- Installing the Entity Framework Core Packages
- Defining the Connection String
- Creating the Database Context Class
- Configuring Entity Framework Core for the Web Application
Lesson 25 - Performing CRUD Operations using EF Core Database First Approach
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Inserting a Record
- Selecting All Records
- Selecting a Record
- Updating a Record
- Deleting a Record
Lesson 26 - Performing CRUD Operations using EF Core Code First Approach
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Adding Database Migrations
- Testing CRUD Operations with Code First Approach
Lesson 27 - Performing CRUD Operations using Entity Framework Core
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating Foreign Keys as part of Model Class
- Seeding Database Tables
- Creating Controller and Views using Scaffolding Templates
- Selecting all records using Joins
- Selecting Individual Record to include Master Table Data
- Inserting a Record by including data from Master Tables
- Updating a Record
- Deleting a Record
Lesson 28 - Implementing Pagination,Sorting and Search Functionality using JQuery DataTable
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Displaying all records using jQuery DataTable - Part 1
- Displaying all records using jQuery DataTable - Part 2
- Implementing Sort Functionality
- Implementing Search Functionality
- Implementing Paging Functionality
- Implementing Details,Edit and Delete Functionality
Lesson 29 - Working With ViewModels
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Understanding the need for creating ViewModels
- Creating more Model Classes for Employee OnBoarding App
- Creating a ViewModel Class
- Passing ViewModel object to View
- Rendering Data from ViewModel Object
Lesson 30 - Performing CRUD Operations using Stored Procedures
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Using StoredProcedures to perform CRUD Operations using DB First Approach
- Calling Stored Procedure with OUTPUT Parameters
- Using Stored Procedures to perform CRUD Operations using Code First Approach
Lesson 31 - Performing CRUD Operations using Embedded SQL Statements
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Writing Raw SQL Statements to perform CRUD Operations
Lesson 32 - Working with different Cache Providers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Storing data into Cache Using DistributedMemoryCache
- Storing data into Cache using DistributedSqlServerCache
Lesson 33 - Working with Web API Core
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating and Configuring Web API Project
- Writing a Get Method To Retrieve all Records using EF Core
- Writing a Get Method To Retrieve details of a specific Record
- Writing a Post Method To Insert Record using EF Core
- Writing a Put Method To Update Row Details
- Writing a Delete Method To Delete a Row
- Creating a Web API Controller with EF Core using Scaffolding Template
Lesson 34 - Consuming Web API from ASP.NET Core MVC App
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating and Configuring ASP.NET Core MVC Web App
- Calling GetAsync Method To Retrieve all records
- Calling GetAsync Method To Retrieve a specific record
- Calling PostAsync Method to Insert a record
- Calling PutAsync Method to Update a record
- Calling DeleteAsync Method to Delete a Record
Lesson 35 - Setting Up Authentication With ASP.NET Core Identity Framework
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a New Project With the support of Identity Core
- Inspecting ASP.NET Core Identity Database
- Understanding the code of Register Razor Page
- Understanding the code of Login Razor Page
- Creating Roles and Assigning Users To Roles
- Working with Authorize Attribute
Lesson 36 - Deployment
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle
- Deploying ASP.NET Core MVC Web App To IIS Using Web Deploy
- Deploying ASP.NET Core MVC Web App To IIS Using Web Deploy Package
Why you should choose UIAcademy.co.in as your Online Training provider?
• We are into training industry for more than 16+ years.
• Scenario Based Training.
• Certification Exam preparation.
• Our trainers are certified and qualified with Real-World experience.
• Our Large List of Satisfied Students & Clients Around the World.
• Demo of live project including Source Code and other resources will be provided to the students.
• Students will have access to soft copies of all the Case Studies and other examples used during the sessions.
• We provide complete guidance towards MCP Certification Exams.
• Step by Step Lab Manuals and Course Materials.
• Resume and Interview Preparation Guidance.
Client Testimonials |
My ASP.NET Course at UIAcademy.IN enabled me to develop custom websites for three customers, which is exactly what I wanted it to do. No previous courses that I did for no reason at other places, did such an excellent job of demonstrating the subject |
Kashish Arora
Australia |
Client Testimonials |
I have learned ASP.NET course with UIAcademy.co.in. I am absolutely, an happy Customer. Thanks to Google for putting me at the right place. |
Dallas |