Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri |
Angular JS Training
Your Instructor for this course is Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri.
He is an accomplished Senior Technical Corporate Trainer here in India and a consultant. He has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2004 and a Microsoft Certified Professional since 1998. He has delivered various trainings at client places, on Microsoft Technologies for top MNC's in India .
He is passionate about teaching developers how to make the most out of their chosen technologies and doing web development in the best way possible.
He has spent years of developing course materials and teaching professional developers online throughout the world.
He has worked in technology for 16 years, specializing in web Development,Content Management Systems,databases and business intelligence.
He is an independent consultant that enjoys development and teaching.
He is a consultant based in Hyderabad, India. He has over 16 years of experience in the IT field, and over a decade of experience as a trainer.
He is an expert in SharePoint Development/Configuration/,Administration and .NET development and Database business intelligence technologies.
Live Online Training
Videos |
Course Fee : ₹ 5000/-
Course Duration :
35 Days |
Session Duration :
90 Minutes (Mon – Sat) |
What is Angular?
- Angular is an open-source web application framework, maintained by Google and community, that assists with creating single-page applications, one-page web applications that only require HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the client side.Angular is an agile and opensource development framework maintained by Google and written entirely in JavaScript. It allows us to create reusable, maintainable, and modular web applications.
Audience Profile:
This course is for those people who wants to build web applications with MVC style Single Page Application (SPA) Development with JavaScript MVC framework.
This course is designed for individuals with an intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and any one web development technology.
Our Trainer's Profile :
- Our Trainers speak from Experience
- Our Trainers Are Subject Matter Experts
- Our Trainers Are Expert instructors
- Our Trainers are Microsoft Certified
- Our Trainers have more than 13+ years of experience on Microsoft Technologies
Career Path :
After completing this course you will be able to take up the roles of
Lesson 1 - Understanding Where Angular Excels
- Understanding Round-Trip and Single-Page Applications
- Comparing Angular to React and Vue.js
- Getting Started with Angular
- Angular in Detail
- Advanced Angular Features
- What Software Do I Need for Angular Development?
- How Do I Set Up the Development Environment?
Lesson 2 - Jumping Right In
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Installing Node.js
- Installing an Editor
- Installing the Angular Development Package
- Choosing a Browser
- Creating an Angular Project
- Opening the Project for Editing
- Starting the Angular Development Tools
- Adding Features to the Application
- Creating a Data Model
- Displaying Data to the User
- Updating the Component
- Styling the Application Content
- Applying Angular Material Components
- Defining the Spacer CSS Style
- Displaying the List of To-Do Items
- Defining Additional Styles
- Creating a Two-Way Data Binding
- Filtering Completed To-Do Items
- Adding To-Do Items
Lesson 3 - Primer, Part 1
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Understanding HTML
- Understanding Void Elements
- Understanding Attributes
- Applying Attributes Without Values
- Quoting Literal Values in Attributes
- Understanding Element Content
- Understanding the Document Structure
- Understanding CSS and the Bootstrap Framework
- Understanding TypeScript/JavaScript
- Understanding the TypeScript Workflow
- Understanding JavaScript vs. TypeScript
- Understanding the Basic TypeScript/JavaScript Features
- Defining Variables and Constants
- Dealing with Unassigned and Null Values
- Using the JavaScript Primitive Types
- Using the JavaScript Operators
Lesson 4 - Primer, Part 2
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Defining and Using Functions
- Defining Optional Function Parameters
- Defining Default Parameter Values
- Defining Rest Parameters
- Defining Functions That Return Results
- Using Functions as Arguments to Other Functions
- Working with Arrays
- Reading and Modifying the Contents of an Array
- Enumerating the Contents of an Array
- Using the Spread Operator
- Using the Built-in Array Methods
- Working with Objects
- Understanding Literal Object Types
- Defining Classes
- Checking Object Types
- Working with JavaScript Modules
- Creating and Using Modules
- Working with Reactive Extensions
- Understanding Observables
- Understanding Observers
- Understanding Subjects
Lesson 5 - SportsStore: A Real Application
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Installing the Additional NPM Packages
- Preparing the RESTful Web Service
- Preparing the HTML File
- Creating the Folder Structure
- Running the Example Application
- Starting the RESTful Web Service
- Preparing the Angular Project Features
- Updating the Root Component
- Inspecting the Root Module
- Inspecting the Bootstrap File
- Starting the Data Model
- Creating the Model Classes
- Creating the Dummy Data Source
- Creating the Model Repository
- Creating the Feature Module
- Starting the Store
- Creating the Store Component and Template
- Creating the Store Feature Module
- Updating the Root Component and Root Module
- Adding Store Features the Product Details
- Displaying the Product Details
- Adding Category Selection
- Adding Product Pagination
- Creating a Custom Directive
Lesson 6 - SportsStore: Orders and Checkout
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Application
- Creating the Cart
- Creating the Cart Model
- Creating the Cart Summary Components
- ntegrating the Cart into the Store
- Adding URL Routing
- Creating the Cart Detail and Checkout Components
- Creating and Applying the Routing Configuration
- Navigating Through the Application
- Guarding the Routes
- Completing the Cart Detail Feature
- Processing Orders
- Extending the Model
- Collecting the Order Details
- Using the RESTful Web Service
- Applying the Data Source
Lesson 7 - SportsStore: Administration
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Application
- Creating the Module
- Configuring the URL Routing System
- Navigating to the Administration URL
- Implementing Authentication
- Understanding the Authentication System
- Extending the Data Source
- Creating the Authentication Service
- Enabling Authentication
- Extending the Data Source and Repositories
- Installing the Component Library
- Creating the Administration Feature Structure
- Creating the Placeholder Components
- Preparing the Common Content and the Feature Module
- Implementing the Product Table Feature
- Implementing the Product Editor
- Implementing the Order Table Feature
Lesson 8 - SportsStore: Progressive Features and Deployment
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Application
- Adding Progressive Features
- Installing the PWA Package
- Caching the Data URLs
- Responding to Connectivity Changes
- Preparing the Application for Deployment
- Creating the Data File
- Creating the Server
- Changing the Web Service URL in the Repository Class
- Building and Testing the Application
- Testing the Progressive Features
- Containerizing the SportsStore Application
- Installing Docker
- Preparing the Application
- Creating the Docker Container
- Running the Application
Lesson 9 - Understanding Angular Projects and Tools
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a New Angular Project
- Understanding the Project Structure
- Understanding the Source Code Folder
- Understanding the Packages Folder
- Using the Development Tools
- Understanding the Development HTTP Server
- Understanding the Build Process
- Using the Linter
- Understanding How an Angular Application Works
- Understanding the HTML Document
- Understanding the Application Bootstrap
- Understanding the Root Angular Module
- Understanding the Angular Component
- Understanding Content Display
- Understanding the Production Build Process
- Running the Production Build
- Starting Development in an Angular Project
- Creating the Data Model
- Creating a Component and Template
- Configuring the Root Angular Module
Lesson 10 - Using Data Bindings
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Understanding One-Way Data Bindings
- Understanding the Binding Target
- Understanding the Expression
- Understanding the Brackets
- Understanding the Host Element
- Using the Standard Property and Attribute Bindings
- Using the Standard Property Binding
- Using the String Interpolation Binding
- Using the Attribute Binding
- Setting Classes and Styles
- Using the Class Bindings
- Using the Style Bindings
- Updating the Data in the Application
Lesson 11 - Using the Built-in Directives
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Using the Built-in Directives
- Using the ngIf Directive
- Using the ngSwitch Directive
- Using the ngFor Directive
- Using the ngTemplateOutlet Directive
- Using Directives Without an HTML Element
- Understanding One-Way Data Binding Restrictions
- Using Idempotent Expressions
- Understanding the Expression Context
Lesson 12 - Using Events and Forms
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Importing the Forms Module
- Preparing the Component and Template
- Using the Event Binding
- Using Event Data
- Handling Events in the Component
- Using Template Reference Variables
- Using Two-Way Data Bindings
- Using the ngModel Directive
- Working with Forms
- Adding a Form to the Example Application
- Adding Form Data Validation
- Validating the Entire Form
- Completing the Form
Lesson 13 - Creating Attribute Directives
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Creating a Simple Attribute Directive
- Applying a Custom Directive
- Accessing Application Data in a Directive
- Reading Host Element Attributes
- Creating Data-Bound Input Properties
- Responding to Input Property Changes
- Creating Custom Events
- Binding to a Custom Event
- Creating Host Element Bindings
- Creating a Two-Way Binding on the Host Element
- Exporting a Directive for Use in a Template Variable
Lesson 14 - Creating Structural Directives
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Creating a Simple Structural Directive
- Implementing the Structural Directive Class
- Enabling the Structural Directive
- Using the Concise Structural Directive Syntax
- Creating Iterating Structural Directives
- Providing Additional Context Data
- Using the Concise Structure Syntax
- Dealing with Property-Level Data Changes
- Dealing with Collection-Level Data Changes
- Querying the Host Element Content
- Querying Multiple Content Children
- Receiving Query Change Notifications
Lesson 15 - Understanding Components
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Structuring an Application with Components
- Creating New Components
- Defining Templates
- Completing the Component Restructure
- Using Component Styles
- Defining External Component Styles
- Using Advanced Style Features
- Querying Template Content
Lesson 16 - Using and Creating Pipes
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Understanding Pipes
- Creating a Custom Pipe
- Registering a Custom Pipe
- Applying a Custom Pipe
- Combining Pipes
- Creating Impure Pipes
- Using the Built-in Pipes
- Formatting Numbers
- Formatting Currency Values
- Formatting Percentages
- Formatting Dates
- Changing String Case
- Serializing Data as JSON
- Slicing Data Arrays
- Formatting Key-Value Pairs
- Selecting Values
- Pluralizing Values
- Using the Async Pipe
Lesson 17 - Using Services
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Understanding the Object Distribution Problem
- Demonstrating the Problem
- Distributing Objects as Services Using Dependency Injection
- Declaring Dependencies in Other Building Blocks
- Understanding the Test Isolation Problem
- Isolating Components Using Services and Dependency Injection
- Completing the Adoption of Services
- Updating the Root Component and Template
- Updating the Child Components
Lesson 18 - Using Service Providers
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Using Service Providers
- Using the Class Provider
- Using the Value Provider
- Using the Factory Provider
- Using the Existing Service Provider
- Using Local Providers
- Understanding the Limitations of Single Service Objects
- Creating Local Providers in a Component
- Understanding the Provider Alternatives
- Controlling Dependency Resolution
Lesson 19 - Using and Creating Modules
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Understanding the Root Module
- Understanding the imports Property
- Understanding the declarations Property
- Understanding the providers Property
- Understanding the bootstrap Property
- Creating Feature Modules
- Creating a Model Module
- Creating a Utility Feature Module
- Creating a Feature Module with Components
Lesson 20 - Creating the Example Project
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Starting the Example Project
- Adding and Configuring the Bootstrap CSS Package
- Creating the Project Structure
- Creating the Model Module
- Creating the Product Data Type
- Creating the Data Source and Repository
- Completing the Model Module
- Creating the Messages Module
- Creating the Message Model and Service
- Creating the Component and Template
- Completing the Message Module
- Creating the Core Module
- Creating the Shared State Service
- Creating the Table Component
- Creating the Form Component
- Completing the Core Module
- Completing the Project
Lesson 21 - Using the Forms API, Part 1
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing for This Chapter
- Understanding the Reactive Forms API
- Rebuilding the Form Using the API
- Responding to Form Control Changes
- Managing Control State
- Managing Control Validation
- Adding Additional Controls
- Working with Multiple Form Controls
- Using a Form Group with a Form Element
- Accessing the Form Group from the Template
- Displaying Validation Messages with a Form Group
- Nesting Form Controls
Lesson 22 - Using the Forms API, Part 2
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing for This Chapter
- Creating Form Components Dynamically
- Using a Form Array
- Adding and Removing Form Controls
- Validating Dynamically Created Form Controls
- Filtering the FormArray Values
- Creating Custom Form Validation
- Creating a Directive for a Custom Validator
- Validating Across Multiple Fields
- Performing Validation Asynchronously
Lesson 23 - Making HTTP Requests
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Configuring the Model Feature Module
- Creating the Data File
- Running the Example Project
- Understanding RESTful Web Services
- Replacing the Static Data Source
- Creating the New Data Source Service
- Configuring the Data Source
- Using the REST Data Source
- Saving and Deleting Data
- Consolidating HTTP Requests
- Making Cross-Origin Requests
- Using JSONP Requests
- Configuring Request Headers
- Handling Errors
- Generating User-Ready Messages
- Handling the Errors
Lesson 24 - Routing and Navigation: Part 1
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Getting Started with Routing
- Creating a Routing Configuration
- Creating the Routing Component
- Updating the Root Module
- Completing the Configuration
- Adding Navigation Links
- Understanding the Effect of Routing
- Completing the Routing Implementation
- Handling Route Changes in Components
- Using Route Parameters
- Navigating in Code
- Receiving Navigation Events
- Removing the Event Bindings and Supporting Code
Lesson 25 - Routing and Navigation: Part 2
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Adding Components to the Project
- Using Wildcards and Redirections
- Using Wildcards in Routes
- Using Redirections in Routes
- Navigating Within a Component
- Responding to Ongoing Routing Changes
- Styling Links for Active Routes
- Fixing the All Button
- Creating Child Routes
- Creating the Child Route Outlet
- Accessing Parameters from Child Routes
Lesson 26 - Routing and Navigation: Part 3
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Guarding Routes
- Delaying Navigation with a Resolver
- Preventing Navigation with Guards
- Loading Feature Modules Dynamically
- Creating a Simple Feature Module
- Loading the Module Dynamically
- Guarding Dynamic Modules
- Targeting Named Outlets
- Creating Additional Outlet Elements
- Navigating When Using Multiple Outlets
Lesson 27 - Using Animations
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing the Example Project
- Disabling the HTTP Delay
- Simplifying the Table Template and Routing Configuration
- Getting Started with Angular Animation
- Enabling the Animation Module
- Creating the Animation
- Applying the Animation
- Testing the Animation Effect
- Understanding the Built-in Animation States
- Understanding Element Transitions
- Creating Transitions for the Built-in States
- Controlling Transition Animations
- Understanding Animation Style Groups
- Defining Common Styles in Reusable Groups
- Using Element Transformations
- Applying CSS Framework Styles
Lesson 28 - Working with Component Libraries
In this lesson, we will cover the following topics. |
- Preparing for This Chapter
- Installing the Component Library
- Adjusting the HTML File
- Running the Project
- Using the Library Components
- Using the Angular Button Directive
- Using the Angular Material Table
- Matching the Component Library Theme
- Creating the Custom Component
- Using the Angular Material Theme
- Applying the Ripple Effect
Why you should choose UIAcademy.co.in as your Online Training provider?
• We are into training industry for more than 16+ years.
• Scenario Based Training.
• Certification Exam preparation.
• Our trainers are certified and qualified with Real-World experience.
• Our Large List of Satisfied Students & Clients Around the World.
• Demo of live project including Source Code and other resources will be provided to the students.
• Students will have access to soft copies of all the Case Studies and other examples used during the sessions.
• We provide complete guidance towards MCP Certification Exams.
• Step by Step Lab Manuals and Course Materials.
• Resume and Interview Preparation Guidance.
Client Testimonials |
Excellent Angular js online trainer! The training objectives were well explained and their training services were extremely professional, which enabled me to get maximum benefit from the course. |
Kashish Arora
Australia |
Client Testimonials |
Excellent HTML5, CSS3,JQuery,Angular trainings. It is really helping me to implement it in my real-time work. |
Amin Khan
Pune |